Out of all the games set to come out this year, one of the most anticipated is Doom Eternal. It’s picking up right where Doom (2016) left off. That’s great news if you’re a fan of this demon-slaying, hardcore metal franchise. So far, we’ve seen a couple of clips showing the first-person shooter action.

The combat already looks amazing.  There seems to be a wide variety of insane weapons and numerous demon monsters to take out. Of course, the metal music playing in the background is spectacular as well.


We just got another trailer that breaks down a little bit more of the story. It shows Earth set in the future. It has been transformed into a hellish landscape, with demons coming out from the ground to lay waste to all innocent lifeforms that get in their way.

These visuals showcase a post-apocalyptic Earth. All hope seems lost for this once beautiful planet we call home. It then pans to the Doom Slayer. He’s Earth’s last hope of salvation from the evils that now walk the planet.  It then shows a female villain, possibly the leader orchestrating all of the evil chaos.

Her name isn’t revealed, but we do see a little bit of her character model. She seems set on keeping these demonic traditions alive even at the expense of humans. Naturally, the Doom Slayer can’t have that. We then get into the first-person shooter action. Per usual, we see tons and tons of demon slaying. The action is as fast-paced as ever.

Id Software even gives us a peak at some of the boss battles, which fans have anxiously waited to see. The Doom Slayer is well-equipped to handle all that stands in the way of salvation for the human race. Every shot shows an epic battle with guns that you just want to start using right out of the gate.

The trailer also does a great job at setting up this epic showdown between good and evil. It will be interesting to see how far the developer goes into the lore. It would be nice to learn more about the history of these demons and the masters that control them. A gripping story could be just what the Doom franchise needs to get fans hooked and engaged in all of the new action and visuals.

If you weren’t excited for Doom Eternal, this latest trailer should get you buzzing about what’s to come.