People who didn’t play this year’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 because there wasn’t enough zombie content should give it another shot. A Zombies mode might still be added to the game after all, according to recent information that has come to light. If you can’t slay hordes of the undead, it doesn’t seem like a Call of Duty game, does it?


People who preordered Modern Warfare 2 are getting early access to the game’s campaign mode, even though the game won’t be available to the general public for a few more days. This early access not only enables players to complete the single-player campaign before moving on to the more popular multiplayer and co-op game modes, but it also allows data miners to undertake some exploration of the game.

For example, a dataminer by the name of cod sploitzimgz discovered some references to possible zombie content that was buried within the game.

The dataminer uncovered mentions to Round Based Zombies and a game named Outbreak, as reported by Insider Gaming. It would appear from this that Activision is considering adding a Zombie mode at some point in the future. Or, at the absolute least, some DLC or content dedicated to the Zombies mode.

After all, there is that DLC rumor around Modern Warfare 2, and it’s been going around. So is it possible that this brings the living dead along with it?

Even though most rumors turn out to be a little more than that, there is some evidence to suggest that this one might be true. Activision promptly DMCA’d or withdrew the photographs for copyright reasons when cod sploitzimgz shared the images of what they uncovered on social media.


DMCA This does not imply that the photographs or the information are accurate; the DMCA may have been filed against them for several reasons. Activision may be trying to halt the circulation of fake statements and allegations.