At this moment, I’m on the bus, and I have some sweaty palms and just thought, let me put into words this crazy Monster Hunter tweet saga over my mind. Wow, are people ever serious about that game?? I mean, honestly, I understand that the game is sweet, but the reactions of some-oh my goodness!


A response particularly caught my attention. As @nervousShaqsh puts it, he just really wants to get into the cutscene that comes after 50 hours of “SAAR DO NOT REDEEM ARKVELD brown kid nonsense.” What the hell does that even mean? Sounds very serious gamer drama, I’m so into it! Seriously, dude, if you’re mad enough to bring that up at the holidays, take a breather or something, huh? Or Twitter venting is the only option for that, right? Even therapy without memes?

Then this one-named dude @Kadt02 just states, “bring back tonfa.” Clear and simple. Who doesn’t want more weapons, right? But like, tonfa? Really? I didn’t even know that was a thing in Monster Hunter, but count me in! Get me some tonfa gameplay, fam!

Now, @Arashiin comes with the classic classic gamer: “We could just do chicken nuggets.” And I’m like: YAS! Who doesn’t want some chicken nuggets after a long gaming session? Bring me my comfort food and let me slay monsters in peace.

But then, with the lesson, @stormnautilus reminds you bug tracking exists for games and a PR person is under no obligation to bear your ire on Twitter. Bruh, I get that, but sometimes you gotta let it out, yeah?

And don’t even get me started on @Morty7414, who goes ahead to vent all his anger saying, “Instead of spamming gif after gif of your pathetic game go fix the performance, you certifiably incompetent devs!!!” Chill out, dude!! We have all been there, but perhaps you should breathe for a moment?? Or pet a cat or something (my cat just yeeted my glass of water right now, ugh)!

And then, there is the guy saying, “PROTECT THE FELINES AND THE BIG CHUNKY MEAT HUNTERS!!!” I mean, who even knows what that means, but my spirit says `Yes! Protect the meat! And the felines! Whatever that means!`

But then there are @pgumhcconpcac begging for a colection in other words dinosaour for PC/console. I mean, just, uh, yes! Because otherwise who would want to relive all the good things? Just give us that.

And lastly, there’s the guy who has got to ask why is a certain character “so wife shaped.” Really, what does that even mean? Are we assessing design constructs? Okay, I guess if she is thick, that is a plus for the design crew.

Anyway, just rambling right now, but this entire thread is a beautiful cocktail of complete nonsense and devotion to the game-emotional rollercoaster, and I’m here for it!

Can we even talk about the fact that the weather situation is just so great right now? I mean, rain on my gaming parade, and this landlord is still selling my time.


So yes, the craziest part of this is the Monster Hunter fans, which I love. Anyway, back to the game.