I was scrolling through my feed, and Haza wrote this tweet regarding the Aeons in Final Fantasy X-seriously, they are the best summons in the planet, no? Which doesn’t get thrilled by Anima or Yojimbo? My cat just kinda crept through the room and knocked my water glass over as I’m typing this so whole mood. Anyway, it is a little bit insane how everyone has the favorites; I could wager it even got me thinking about my favorite picks as well.


There’s this one such reply wherein this dude aquatidus was quite into Shiva and Anima. Right on! Ice magic of Shiva is sick, and as for Anima? Straight beast, that! The first time I summoned her, I thought, “Did I just break the game?” 😂 Feels as though they open the gates of power and make you feel like a god! But in honesty, man, the story of Anima also hits deep.

This one would be ShakespeareDoll, shouting out the Magus Sisters. What a perfect storm! Seriously; they come driving in like a trio of trouble and can really hurt. Research strategy, or should we just watch the enemy go through the grind? That is your call.

Then TheBrokenBat? Just a link in their reply, but the message is clear: Aeons everywhere; GOAT status! Agreed all day, my dude. Their designs, the animations, everything is just chef’s kiss. It’s 2 AM and here I am, reminiscing about my FF X run like some kind of historian.

Then there’s this one guy saying Anima again. Are these people starting some sort of an Anima fan club? Me, joining; I’m just saying that. She is iconic. And here comes Dlocknload for Yojimbo with a vengeance! Classic! I loved it when you’d pay him to summon a fact similar to real life-thank you kind of stuff. You felt as if you were managing resources while still being a little broke.

And then ENKS just an all-hype about how FF X was their first game. Feel that?! Just like your first love, you’ll never forget. I remember my first time: the feeling hits harder than a chocobo stampede.

But honestly, here I am all sweating it out late and just collecting my thoughts. It’s amazing how something so small-a tweet-can open up all such memories and discussions. It’s like we all belong to this big family of gamers or something. My landlord-jerk, but that’s tomorrow’s fuss.


So which is your favorite Aeon? Team Anima, or are you loving the Magus Sisters? Anyway, let’s keep it as it has always been! Horrible weather today, so stay in cozy, gamers!