Edwards SAR update digestion from the Starfield fans worldwide. Bethesda has dropped something so amazing. Here is the Hunting Tuskfrog, a new species that jumps around in the lush and rocky terrains of Jemison. This dude is hopping up into fame, and we are here for it. 🐸 The Hunting Tuskfrog is an example of one of those unique creatures you’ll be finding in Starfield, serving as a reminder just of how much detail Bethesda has packed into this game.

From sprawling cities to remote planets, every nook and cranny in the Settled Systems feels part of an incredibly vibrant tapestry of activity. Plus, now we get a frog! Fans are enjoying saluting World Frog Day. It is quite a small homage, yet it goes on to show what actually matters to Bethesda in the end.

The Hunting Tuskfrog is not simply a critter placed randomly in the game; it forms part of a functioning ecosystem, which makes everything much more immersive in Starfield. So whether you are surveying Jemison or flying into the black, it is always a constant store of something new.

Now coming to reactions, this tweet completely managed to capture both supporters as well as dissenters into concern. While most fans laud Starfield as the best from Bethesda till date, some are still quite estranged.

Well, this is what fan @HerbieDurby had to say about it: “I didn’t hate the game by any means, but I was really hoping for a lot, lot more.” Point taken. Yes, Starfield is monstrous in size but then form of gameplay and fast travel may not suit all. “‘Starfield is very easily, hands down, the best one, sorry you didn’t enjoy it and have to insult people for enjoying a video game,'” defined @robotibons himself as a Bethesda fanatic.

The heat is certainly rising in terms of this argument, which is easily evidenced with strong opinions towards Starfield. Of course, @Matt_Papias put himself in between the fray for the defense of the game: “Yes, but mods have solved that fast travel issue for you within Systems. Obviously, you must grav drive to other Systems. Starfield has many different locations.

Big cities and locations scattered over the galaxy. Larger and more differential than any other previous games.” Mods to the rescue! Isn’t it great how the community steps up to change and enhance the experience?

Some people consider Starfield as their gateway game. “Starfield is my favorite. I started gaming late in 2023 after the Xbox Showcase. My older brother wants me to play Witcher 3. My favorite game genre is Space. That is why I like Starfield so much,” poeted @Matt_Papias.

This is very inspiring to see just how a single game can appeal to new people in the hobby. Starfield keeps one talking all the time, be it with love or scathing criticism. No one can deny it, and with new things like Hunting Tuskfrog, Bethesda keeps surprising us. Well, here’s a happy salute to World Frog Day and all those adventures waiting to explore in the Settled Systems. Happy exploring, space frogs! 🐸.