Players must implement Nahida’s strategy at the market in Chapter III: Act III of the Genshin Impact Archon Quest. For his plan to have Setaria betray the sages, the Dendro Archon plans to possess a number of its residents. Therefore, it is vital to accurately impersonate each person when talking to Setaria after talking to the three selected citizens and waiting for Nahida to reach the resident’s mind.

When Setaria travels to Nabiya, Akim, and Qisha, she will ask the travelers questions about the Genshin Impact. The players must first convince the scientist that the possessed local population has embraced King Deshret, the Scarlet King, as their new religious leader. This god used to rule over the Desert Folk, but he had to surrender since he was jeopardizing their lives. To assist with this endeavor, I have included all the possible answers to Setaria’s questions in Genshin Impact and the corresponding picks.
According to what Setaria claims, I always assumed they were peaceful, contented kitties. In response to Oh, what are their names again?

Select the first option when Nabiya consults the gods later on to maintain continuity.

HmmmThe gods have spoken!
Ohohoho Clearly, this is a divine decree.
Once the Travelers have persuaded Setaria to defy the sages, she will devise a scheme to retrieve vital knowledge from the Akademiya. The time of the rendezvous finally arrives, but the city of Genshin Impact seems to be in a strange state, with hardly anyone out and about.

The protagonist and Nahida decide to press on with the plan despite their unease, only to discover that the city’s residents have been mind-controlled into appearing as zombies at the Akademiya.

In this place, a notorious person will appear, exposing the truth about what has been happening in Genshin Impact Sumeru and the so-called push for foolishness.