Capcom’s Monster Hunter World has been incredibly popular since its release a couple of years back. Their latest DLC, Iceborne, has proven to be just as popular and has just crossed a massive milestone.

Iceborne has officially sold more than five million copies, counting both physical and digital. To celebrate this monumental milestone, Capcom is giving out a huge item pack for free to players to thank them and help them on their next hunt.

“Thanks to your support, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has surpassed five million copies shipped (including digital sales!),” Capcom writes in their announcement. “To celebrate, we’re releasing a free item pack! You can claim your item pack by logging in and checking your login bonuses during the period listed below. It’s available for a limited time only, so don’t miss out!”

So what does the item pack include? Quite a bit to keep you going on your future hunts. Capcom is giving players the following items:

  • Fifty Mega Potions
  • Fifty Dust of Life
  • Ten Whetfish Fin+
  • Three King Armor Sphere
  • One Celestial Wyverian Print

That’s quite a gift! It certainly isn’t anything game-changing, but having that little boost is a great boon to keep you hunting without having to worry about farming up supplies for a while. The Celestial Wyverian Print alone is one heck of a gift!

If you don’t see the item pack with your login bonuses when you go to claim the gift, try closing the game and making sure you’re updated to the latest version. If you’re at the proper update and you don’t have the gift, it should appear the next day, but you shouldn’t hesitate to contact customer support just in case so you don’t miss out on the gift.

Capcom will be giving this gift out for about a week, starting on Friday, March 27th until Thursday, April 2nd (UTC time). The pack will be called the 5 Million Celebration Item Pack in-game, but there’s a good chance you’ll know when you receive it without the name.

It’s also a fantastic time for this gift! Capcom has a lot of content moving down the pipes for Monster Hunter World, with their third major title update coming in early April. The new title update will add two new monsters, layered and customizable weapon upgrades, a new item, some new helper rewards, and plenty more. With so much on the way, it’s a great time to be getting a little bonus gift!