From one Monster Hunter fan to another, we’re all very familiar with the struggle. Just when you think you’ve figured it all out, something comes up to throw a monkey wrench into everything. It’s given rise to a torrent of hilarious stories from players, brought on by the most recent tweet from the official Monster Hunter account.


An instance where players thought they managed to outsmart the game, just to find out the hard way that it was all for naught, was captured in the tweet. Replies, too? Pretty darn pure gold!

“There are too many times I have placed my trust into others just to solo hunt. Fewer variables,” proclaimed player @MelancholyVidya. Too many burns might simply justify solo hunting. Player @ZorgoiaThrower quipped with this: “I missed it, but I ate the nuke. Idk how; I thought I just had to be fat.” Every once in a while, a game throws such an X factor that it just slays you.

Then popped @KazakiRyu with the classic rookie moment: “That attack was my very first cart right then and there. Did Not see the rocks till the notice came after the cart.” And of course, all of us know that Ryu. The game just loves to humble you when you least expect it.

Some warriors thought brute force was the way to go. @Aidanlancaster1 studied, “My gunlance brain said ‘I can tank this’…I did not.” Said @captainJcP, “Not even the lance blocking that (i tried).”

Sometimes, you require more than the best and flashiest gear in order to be in the game for hits. YET, SOME HAVE: pro move @HomerDalords:”I ‘Big Wave’ emote every time I go behind the rock.” Combined with a little trash talk, that’s all the confidence you need.

Meanwhile, @Kooley_Moose had a eureka moment: “I had war flashbacks to behemoth, noticed the ice and lived.” Definitely, experience helps in Monster Hunter.

Indeed, the tweet brought up some great banter. “Oh, I mean area final. Guys blow up them all, and on 0 rocks, the time comes.” Surprisingly, sometimes, teamwork becomes difficult when all members rush in to do things at times.

And then came @Lilturtleandsh1 into the debate: “Yes I agree, But he clearly didn’t have it.” Most of the time, it comes down to having the right tools rather than skill. Monster Hunter is full of those things that try your patience and skill. Whether you’re a veteran or a newbie hunter, there’s always something new to be learned.

The game challenges your ability and keeps throwing spanners in the works, which is quite addictive characteristic about it.


So, the next time you think you know everything about the game, just remember that it may still surprise you here and there. So, what’s your funniest Monster Hunter fail? Now, let’s get the stories rolling. After all, it’s not about winning; it’s the journey and the memories you create along the travel.