BetaDwarf’s Minion Masters game has just gotten its latest expansion! Saving Jadespark Jungle is officially live as of March 5th.

If you’re unfamiliar with Minion Masters, the title places Masters against each other. Armed with decks of ten cards, Masters compete in a tug-of-war style battle as they wage war to see who can take the other down first. While much of the popularity of the game lies in its multiplayer, there’s still a good amount of solo content, with more being added as part of the new expansion.

In Saving Jadespark Jungle, the hidden jungles of Jadespark within the Southern Jungles have come under attack by invading Empyreans. Being commanded by High Inquisitor Ardera, these invaders leave a trail of destruction and fire in their wake as they comb the jungle for a dark secret.

As you help to save Jadespark Jungle, players team up with the Zen-Chi of the jungle to help defend their homes from Ardera and her minions. Within the new adventure, you’ll begin with a Master-specific deck that you’ll get to add to as you go forward, with six unique masters to choose from. Relics and treasures will appear as you play, with some returning from previous adventures. Success will grant you tokens, experience, and exclusive avatars – there’s even a Legendary card up for grabs!

The expansion is free, but there are a few features that will be locked behind a paywall. You’ll receive the first chapter of the adventure free of charge, with the second and third costing 1,000 of the game’s premium currency, rubies. Buying both as a package lowers the cost to 1,400 though, so that’s always nice! Chapters are replayable as well, giving you a good method to earn experience and rewards.

There are ten new cards coming with the expansion as well, including High Inquisitor Ardera herself. The Inquisitor works as a six-cost legendary ranged spellcaster, draining 6% of her health each second while attacking. She brings several of her minions and tools with her, including the Brother of the Burning Fist minion and the high-damage AOE spell, Smite. The Zen-Chi are here to defend themselves, of course, bringing the denizens of the jungle and what seems to be a literal mountain to bear against the Empyrean invaders.

There’s no time like the present to start unlocking the new cards, so get out there and save Jadespark! A new adventure and a world of deck-building opportunities await you!