The Resident Evil 3 remake recently launched on consoles and PC. In Japan, the publisher and developer is preparing another special event featuring characters and enemies from the remake. Capcom has announced that its specialized restaurant, Capcom Cafe, will soon host a Resident Evil 3-themed event featuring characters from the newest remake. Capcom has previously held collaborations for games in the Resident Evil series with special menu items and limited edition goods. The collaboration will be held from Thursday, April 9 to Wednesday, May 13. Its recommended to make a reservation before visiting the restaurant, especially since some stores are rearranging their operating hours due to COVID-91. Fans may be able to make purchases within the shop without buying any food. So far, there will be eleven types of products available for sale. They include a plastic file folder with artwork featuring game protagonist Jill Valentine fighting Nemesis, keychains, foldable stand, stickers, coin case, t-shirt, ammo bullet-style bento lunch box, "Emergency Spray," and two types of badge pins. The menu items include a "Jill Sandwich," which is a joke from the original Resident Evil game, chocolate ice cream sundae, a meat pie featuring Nemesis, Umbrella-themed noodles, and more. In addition, fans who visit the cafe and purchase at least ¥3,000 (around $28) of items will receive one of ten types of postcards featuring artwork and characters from the game. The announcement was made in early March, and at this time, it doesn't appear that the event will be canceled like so many others due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Currently, the cafe is holding a collaboration featuring the Okami series. The Resident Evil 3 remake comes a little over a year after the release of Resident Evil 2. The official summary states, "A specialist squad of the police force known as S.T.A.R.S. has been investigating the case, and have determined that the pharmaceutical company Umbrella and their biological weapon, the T-Virus, are behind the incidents—though they've lost several members in the process. Jill Valentine and the other surviving S.T.A.R.S. members try to make this truth known, but find that the police department itself is under Umbrella's sway and their reports are rejected out of hand." The remake is similar to the original 1999 game, but with updated graphics, new character designs, and the expansion of storylines of existing characters but also cut content from the original as well. Resident Evil 3 was released on April 3 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
The Resident Evil 3 remake recently launched on consoles and PC. In Japan, the publisher and developer is preparing another special event featuring characters and enemies from the remake. Capcom has announced that its specialized restaurant, Capcom Cafe, will soon host a Resident Evil 3-themed event featuring characters from the newest remake. Capcom has previously held collaborations for games in the Resident Evil series with special menu items and limited edition goods. The collaboration will be held from Thursday, April 9 to Wednesday, May 13. Its recommended to make a reservation before visiting the restaurant, especially since some stores are rearranging their operating hours due to COVID-91. Fans may be able to make purchases within the shop without buying any food. So far, there will be eleven types of products available for sale. They include a plastic file folder with artwork featuring game protagonist Jill Valentine fighting Nemesis, keychains, foldable stand, stickers, coin case, t-shirt, ammo bullet-style bento lunch box, "Emergency Spray," and two types of badge pins. The menu items include a "Jill Sandwich," which is a joke from the original Resident Evil game, chocolate ice cream sundae, a meat pie featuring Nemesis, Umbrella-themed noodles, and more. In addition, fans who visit the cafe and purchase at least ¥3,000 (around $28) of items will receive one of ten types of postcards featuring artwork and characters from the game. The announcement was made in early March, and at this time, it doesn't appear that the event will be canceled like so many others due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Currently, the cafe is holding a collaboration featuring the Okami series. The Resident Evil 3 remake comes a little over a year after the release of Resident Evil 2. The official summary states, "A specialist squad of the police force known as S.T.A.R.S. has been investigating the case, and have determined that the pharmaceutical company Umbrella and their biological weapon, the T-Virus, are behind the incidents—though they've lost several members in the process. Jill Valentine and the other surviving S.T.A.R.S. members try to make this truth known, but find that the police department itself is under Umbrella's sway and their reports are rejected out of hand." The remake is similar to the original 1999 game, but with updated graphics, new character designs, and the expansion of storylines of existing characters but also cut content from the original as well. Resident Evil 3 was released on April 3 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.