Hopes and dreams are filling this game with excitement from all corners of the ground. A recent hit tweet from @LimitedRunGames is strongly hinting about something exciting in 2025. Can we feel hyped? Kind of like waiting for your cake to be served on your birthday!


Fans have expressed their wants and needs for even more about Grounded. One gamer, Never give up, said: “I would like a part two of this game yoo.” Yes! Everyone wants more playtime! It’s already a success, but the fans ponder what level of greatness it could be.

According to a real devotee, 🍕Natural🍔, “Don’t give up keep alive the game.” They really do think this game can take a long way in fun! Who wouldn’t want some more fun and adventures in the miniature world?

Some very much fan-coveted items from the game are on some fans] minds. Searobbins suggested: “If you made backpacks from the game, buy them instantly.” The feeling of wearing a backpack inspired by something from Grounded? That would be sick!

And wait! For the shadow ken amada, an animated series for Grounded should have been made: “Cmon, grounded anime series!” These guys would love to see their cherished characters live on-screen. That would be a pretty cool sight!

The majority of gamers give a fair bit of their own stories about how they found that rare item. Bloodaxe: “Very lucky to have mine for Xbox. Sweet box set.” Now that’s a great box set! That surely adds to an entire experience of the game!

As for everybody else, their misfortune is rather clear. “I was so sad when I couldn’t get one,” Team_Garra said; I must say, that feels pretty awful to be deprived of something you really wanted!

Fans are somehow getting too impatient to know the upcoming updates. KusoLP asked: “Any date news for PC Update?” All they want to know are the dates when they get to grab their new version!

Of this one of at least the most fucked-up comments ever spoken of: “I HAVE ONE!! It’s number 97 for the PlayStation 5.” Wow, that sounds pretty cool! It’s like having a rare Pokémon card!

Some gamers have had only one dream. Myren cried out: “I want all of this.” He’s not the only one because ReverendSaul also went on to add: “I need all this!” Statements like these are floating about, which gives clues as to how many are nearly at melting point.

Not everyone, however, is updated. Meyerpark jokingly asked, “Whats a ps5?” Clearly, these guys need some knowledge on the latest consoles!


All fans from every corner are excited and hopeful for a new game, special items, and even a show! Grounded has certainly brought everybody together. Hopefully, @LimitedRunGames has clear ears for its fans’ pleas! What will lie next, we wonder? New games, or cool merch, or even a TV show? Only time will tell, but one thing is sure: Grounded fans are eager for even more fun!