Fortnite is just so cool right now, man! They just came up with new emotes and the awesome songs Ain’t It Fun and Still Into You Paramore. Isn’t it just so cool? Now you’re going to be dancing to these songs in the game!đŸŽ€đŸ’ƒ


Right now, it is possible to access the latest emotes! For a Fortnite fan who is a Paramore one, this is just huge! Think of it: busting these moves with friends, and everyone’s watching as you jam out! But oh! Use the code shiina to support the great creator! How awesome is that?❀

Let’s move to the songs: “‘Ain’t It Fun’ is all about being a party anthem, and it’ll be just as infectious as anything and everything that’s Fortnite. The other song is ‘Still Into You’, which is by far the most lovey-dovey song I could imagine! How about showing off your dancing moves at the moment?

Touchy for fans, though. One gamer, @ShiinaBR, announced the news, and fans seemed to respond with a proud mix of reactions.🎉 But not all rejoiced. While some think these emotes should have timed better, @ChrisTheKing44 commented, “Damn, these would’ve went haaaard ten years ago.” That’s a burn! đŸ”„

Another gamer, @LoneCat_Cee, said they are getting only the music and not the emoticons. That’s really sad, huh? And @ibjnks thought that somehow they missed doing a different song. They actually said, “They should have done miserably business!”

However, not all minds are negative. @KylmisX stated, “Fine songs, but whow are bawd dances.” That’s a very good argument! Some really enjoy the songs, but the moves do not match the trades.

And now, @HipDiscovery is waiting for super cool emotes. They think the audio, along with the moves, is too cool! Very encouraging, huh?đŸŽ¶

And then of course, there is @Verxei joking about a skin that is not going to come back. All very light-hearted, isn’t it? Yet many would like to know when these emotes are going to leave the shop. One asked, “Can someone tell me when they leave the shop?”

And then are some players just enjoying music. @freelilshine cracked: “bad emotes, great songs. u hate to see it.” Fun! And @lexicornia proves his love for Ain’t It Fun. It really feels like everyone has an opinion!

Fortnite’s doing what it does best — music plus gaming. Whether you love them or hate them, these new emotes are going to make some noise! Are you going to get them? Let us hear it! The dance floor is waiting for you! đŸ’„


Get your clicks, enter the game, and bring on that new move! Shine, you never know!