Overwatch 2 rewards daring and imaginative play, like the Baptiste player who described how they shielded an ally named Ana from Mei’s attack with a precisely timed use of their ultimate. However, in Overwatch 2, playing as a healer can occasionally be a frustrating experience.
Any healer would struggle to save a teammate from an opponent’s point-blank ultimate, regardless of their play style, which ranges from Mercy’s group-wide restoration to Ana’s precision healing.
Baptiste, a Haitian doctor, joined the team in February 2019 and brought a skill set that rewards quick healing during close-quarters combat. Baptiste and adjacent allies are given a momentary boost in health through Regenerative Burst, followed by an increase in health over time.
Partners within the Immortality Field’s sphere of effect are shielded from death. This ability was momentarily even more potent during the Overwatch 2 beta. A Baptiste who is out of range for Regenerative Burst and has an Immortality Field that is on cooldown is the scenario that initiates the video clip.
While out of range for Baptiste’s burst heal, Baptiste’s player, Juv, elected to deploy Amplification Matrix, a defensive item that increases damage and healing by 100%. Their perfect timing was a significant factor in Juv’s complete recovery, ultimately allowing him to save Ana.
The clip shows the enemy Mei catching Ana and Zayra in her ultimate, and it can be seen from many angles that the two heroes are standing close to each other. After Mei’s ultimate froze his teammates, Juv used Baptiste’s maximum early enough for the first missile to hit Ana immediately after Mei’s first shot.
After that, for every hit made by Mei, Baptiste counters it with a healing missile. Recent modifications to Mei in the most recent Overwatch 2 patch upped her DPS and froze her ultimate, casting a more positive light on Juv’s actions.