Heed my words one and all: The waves of Ninja Turtles Wave 3 are on the verge of dropping and they are going to bring Bebop, Rocky, and Krang along with them. Like, hell yeah, right? But wait… WHERE THE HELL IS CASEY JONES?! Seriously, did he go ghost on us? Man, this is some serious stuff that gets me going. Anyway, let’s jump into all the madness happening in the replies to this tweet.


To begin with, I’d like to shout out Sergeant T’Challa for being all, “No Casey Jones.” He’s right, isn’t he? After all, Casey’s basically the TMNT heart for one and not having him at the party is just sad. Guff says Casey was scrapped in the middle of the wave–ugh, this is a gut punch. I for one was pumped to see him in action!

And Ian’s wondering if anyone has any news about Yakuza–like really dude, focus! We are wrestling turtles here! But hey, it’s still nice to see others care for other games though, right?

But back to Casey-like, people seriously flipped out over the fact that he isn’t in it. With an earth-shattering shout coming in: “Where the Fuck is Casey Jones?” And really, same! My cat just knocked over my glass of water as I’m typing this, and I’m like, portion control, can I catch a break here?

Cineaesthetic’s on the choir, on one skin that he can afford, which is like same, my wallet’s sobbing. And then for MrHamandeggs wanting to know about Wave 2, dude, that’s sooo last wave! So can we talk about the current wave now, please?

What awesome has to show is just how seriously attached people are about these characters. Like, they’re like, “I need them all together,” and, “Rip Casey Jones.” A bit sweet, but more like makes me sad a little. I mean, really-why are we so attached to these pixelated turtles?

Of course, Dusk’s got the right hype going for it-3 but mourning Casey. Can we have a moment of silence for our fallen turtle bro?

And then there’s this dude, who says that Casey is still in, but he’s a fan favorite. Well, I hope that it’s really true because I mean, how can there be TMNT without a Casey in it? That’s like pizza without cheese-just wrong!

I’m just saying, in the brain department, it’s all messed up right now. Hype yes, peeved my boy Casey ain’t probably in the game. Ugh, right? Gaming drama?


Now isn’t it cool being a TMNT fanatic? And I’m just trying to keep up with things. To keep up while at it, maybe someone should tell my stupid coworker to literally shut up blasting off music inside the office? It’s alone not a rave, people, but it’s 2025! Late then, fam. Stay cool and game on!