Manipulate Age In This Unique Puzzle Platformer Titled Ageless, Headed For Nintendo Switch And Steam Later This Month

Credit: Team17 via Youtube

Enter a magical world created by One More Dream Studios and distributed by Team17. Ageless is a puzzle platformer that is headed for PC and Nintendo Switch later this month. Follow the adventure of Kiara as she embarks on a magical journey.

Using the powers of a powerful and magical bow, Kiara can de-age the plants and animals around her. Using this, she can travel across colorful environments and solve complicated puzzles. Enjoy a unique platforming experience with a young hero that is ready to make her debut.

Enter a story-driven puzzle platformer where you alter the age of animals and plants. Experience the world as Kiara, a young girl who braves the heartache and loss as she travels across a mysterious world. Learn the secrets of the planet, and the secrets of her heritage.

Kiara finds herself lost, confused, and alone in a strange world. With her unique power to control age, she must travel across the world. Explore a culture full of myth and magic as you go on an emotional and intense journey to take on your inner demons.

This is a world of wonder and heartache. Take on merciless bosses and travel through complicated puzzle environments filled that will challenge your skills and passions.

Once you equip the bow, you become the master of the art of Ageless. Dash throughout the environment and navigate through complicated platforming challenges. Using the unique aging mechanics, players must stop and start time as well as increase and decrease the age of objects in the environment.

This is a story of loss and personal discovery. Using her newfound powers, players must decide whether to face Kiara’s inner demons or run away from them.

This is a whole new world to explore. The environment is filled with plants, animals, and more. Explore a beautiful hand-drawn pixel world as you experience a deep and fulfilling story.

This is a cute adventure that will take basic concepts and expand upon them. The Ageless bow comes with several advantages but the hero is still inexperienced. It is this innocence that makes her such a compelling hero to an epic adventure.

Ageless is set to release in 2020 for Nintendo Switch and PC. There is a Steam page already live that provides some screenshots and a chance to wishlist the title early. This gorgeous pixel adventure is ready for brave players to explore and discover the truth behind the power of Ageless.