And here comes Guardian Games 2025! Titans have finally won Week 2, and the fans are ecstatic! If you even played Destiny 2, you know how big of a deal this is. Titans hold tough; they always do. But come on, is it fair? Some are raising their eyebrows.


A tweet from @destinytrack announced to the world, “Titans are winning!” But not everyone is so thrilled with their exploits. “Oh wow, the class that literally makes the game 80 percent easier is winning. I am so shocked!” said one player, James. Ouch!

But not just jokes. It seems something shady is going on, according to another player, ProudeTalys. They said, “Nah man, your ratings and banners change too frequently to not be rigged. I literally have photos as proof.” Is there something fishy going on here?

Some players are just here for the rewards! Evil Shark said, “Only reason I’m even participating rn is for the shader for depositing medals.” Who doesn’t want some sweet gear? But hey, it’s all about having fun too!

With “TITAN LOVE ❤️🤛🏿🧞🤜🏿,” Azrokaiyax added Titan love. That’s some titanic pride right there! But what of the other classes? Sir Crimson Wolf pointed out that most players are either Hunter or Titan, especially in competitive play, so it’s not like you’re surprised Titans are winning.

Gamers are talking about the cool loot. Evil Shark chipped in again, “Called godly something it color shifts between Red Blue and Yellow yeah.” Sounds cool! Who doesn’t like a nice shader? But are Titans really putting in the work?

Q, another player, said, “Bro putting in NO work as a titan.” And Chloro added: “Got two new weapons that I can craft tho.” Hmmm, seems some of the Titans may be slacking off.

Meanwhile, Warlocks are just chilling. Omar said: “Warlocks, we are just chilling in the back of the room watching titans and hunters go at it.” Talk about spectators of this game!

But the arguments are still going on! Whether happy for the Titans’ win or crying foul, Guardian Games are about fun but can we really call it a fair game?

In the end, it’s all about having fun in the game. Fun time for a Titan, Hunter, or Warlock. Shoot some now in Destiny 2!


We’ll see who will keep the crown in the weeks ahead! Will the Titans keep their reign? Or will Hunters and Warlocks make a proud comeback? Stay tuned, Guardians!