Borderlands 3 Just Received Some Major Updates Thanks To Latest Hotfix That’s Now Live

Credit: Borderlands via YouTube

Borderlands 3 has been a huge hit for Gearbox Software. They’ve taken many of the elements found in previous installments and enhanced them even further. To date, this is probably the best Borderlands game. There are so many guns to collect, fantastic areas to explore, and baddies to defeat. From start to finish, this game delivers.

And it just keeps getting better and better thanks to the developer’s willingness to put out patches every month it seems. A new one just hit for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC that’s bringing a lot of great improvements to the table.

Let’s start off with some adjustments to the chest drops at the end of Proving Grounds. Now, they’re even better. That’s great news if you’ve been looking to collect some legendary weapons that can help you out in battle against some elite opposition. This hotfix has the community singing praises.

Players deserve to be compensated for the objectives they complete. Some of them do take quite some time and the Proving Grounds payoffs now warrant their pursuits. Whether you’re looking for a long-range sniper or something of the explosive nature, you’re sure to find a loot drop that you fancy.

Some progression blockers have also been addressed by Gearbox. For instance, now Ember should appear more in select missions. Also, players who reported issues about not being able to communicate with Brick during the Hammerlocked mission should have no trouble now.

These progression blockers may not seem like a major improvement, but they really are. Imagine going through most of the game and then finding a roadblock because of a glitch. Not only does it cause frustration, but it sometimes hinders your ability to complete the story.

It’s great to see Gearbox address these complaints. It’s clear they want to keep the lines of communication open with the community. That approach has served them well thus far. It’s a huge reason why the Borderlands series continues to thrive even still in 2020. They’re always looking to improve gameplay and visual experiences any way possible, even if that means more work on their end.

No game is perfect at launch, but it’s up to the developer to see where adjustments should be made. Gearbox always comes through in this regard. For that, they deserve a lot of praise. Borderlands 3 now is better than it has ever been because of Gearbox’s continued hotfix pursuits. That’s awesome to see.