Assassin’s Creed Shadows has come out, and it does hit 2 million players! What the hell is that! 🔥 It’s just breaking records faster than my cat can knock over my snacks; seriously, where are my chips? Well, they say it beats AC Origins and Odyssey. Like, what is even happening right now? Should I care? But wait, I kinda am because, duh, Feudal Japan is cool!!
Some responses are like mixed bag- some really hyped up, and some are just meh. One guy’s like, and really, 2 million doesn’t mean 2 million sold; and I mean true! A lot of that number had to purchase through Game Pass or as a gift. That kind of thinking had me: how many of them actually paid full price?
And then this one guy one comes in going, “This game is so dope.” For real? I’m just wondering if he’s part of the hype or just a fan who’ll defend a game regardless of it being trash or not. Ugh, just sweating thinking about that!
I mean I’ve heard one guy saying he is 12 hours in and “loving every second”. Sounds promising, wot probably? But back to the scaling mountains, what’s all this about? Can we not just have games without these kinds of struggles? Just let me chill without getting stuck on top of a mountain, know what I mean?
And big up to that one reply who wants to see more video game opinions from a fellow user. The world of gaming is chaotic; we need more positivity in it. Though there was this one other reply that now talked about the moral standards of transgenerational sex and right there I was like hold on a minute, what the hell are we talking about now?
Honestly, replies have been diverse but entertaining-a free-for-all discussion going on between arguments about refunds, Steam’s player base, and pure love for the game. I have just sat on this bus, watching the whole drama while my landlord increases my rent yet again, and I’m like “you’re such a jerk.”
Anyway, if you are not into the whole Assassin’s Creed thing, try it out? Or wait until the hype dies down then buy it on sale. But hey, if you’re one of those 2 million players, then congratulations! You’re also in the club. Just don’t forget to share with your snacks and cat.
The weather outside sucks. Rainy, cold-really outside paradise for gaming, right?