FIFA 20 was released to a lot of hype just two weeks ago. YouTubers, Streamers and critics were calling it one of the best FIFA titles released in years. After the mightily disappointing FIFA 19 – along with its many glitches, bugs and microtransaction-hungry mechanics, FIFA 20, for a moment, looked like a ray of light. Turns out, EA has produced yet another FIFA game.

Football fans and gaming addicts like to pick up FIFA every year to grind Ultimate Team and play games with their friends. Last year, when FIFA 19 was released, the game was bogged down from the start with irritating gameplay bugs, poor servers and a disregard of every game feature which wasn’t EA’s money-earning Ultimate Team mode.

From the beginning, FIFA 20 promised something different (as it does every year, of course) with the introduction of the new spin-off FIFA Street Volta mode and supposed improvements to Career Mode and Ultimate Team.

Although the game was received positively over the course of its Early Access period, where people who had pre-ordered the game or received a code could play the game a week in advance, with both fans and critics calling it ‘the best FIFA in years’, it hasn’t taken long for the old ways of EA to settle in.

First up, one of the most glaring problems with the game so far is the catastrophic Career Mode. It’s true that many who pick up FIFA these days aren’t seeking single-player gameplay, but this year’s offering is exceptionally poor. There are strange cutscenes, stories of top teams running only their reserve teams, and an ability to completely game the system during the pre-season stages.

Next, Ultimate Team. For those out there who love buying packs  – who might even be addicted to buying packs – then the game mode does everything it is meant to do. However, not much about FUT is very different than in FIFA 19. The menus are almost exactly the same, even down to the same layout and usability.

And lastly, the gameplay. Top players from Europe and NA have been disgusted about the poor server performance, especially after the first hotly contested Weekend League came to a close. Players often feel like they’re trudging through custard to make a shot, and often passes don’t even register.

Though there has been one patch so far, that was said to fix issues with the goalkeepers and other aspects of gameplay, the FUT game-breaking fitness glitch is still present and there has been little improvement to server performance. It’s yet to be seen what EA intends to do about these problems.